
Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company JSC

As at and for the year ended 31 December 2021 with independent auditor’s report


As at 31 December 2021

In thousands of Tenge Notes 31 December
31 December
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 6 976.001.316 652.478.444
Intangible assets 3.165.491 3.327.999
Advances paid for non-current assets 6 5.431.849 4.126.292
Deferred tax asset 25 159.652
Investment in associate 7 2.278.332 2.017.593
Long-term receivables from related parties 27 634.192 742.477
Other financial assets, non-current portion 11 32.309.237 32.340.094
  1.019.820.417 695.192.551
Current assets
Inventories 8 2.590.383 2.549.293
Trade account receivable 9 12.991.260 28.603.307
VAT recoverable and other prepaid taxes 3.231.654 477.893
Prepaid income tax 817.245 1.017.708
Other current assets 10 974.072 2.945.237
Other financial assets, current portion 11 40.187.573 58.801.720
Restricted cash 12 670.902 552.586
Cash and cash equivalents 13 11.933.828 21.867.205
  73.396.917 116.814.949
Assets held for sale 5.126
Total assets 812.012.626
Equity and liabilities
Share capital 14 126.799.554 126.799.554
Treasury shares 14 (930) (930)
Asset revaluation reserve 14 569.845.780 309.836.582
Retained earnings 40.492.413 65.921.264
  737.136.817 502.556.470
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings, non-current portion 15 35.639.645 49.843.453
Bonds payable, non-current portion 16 117.142.516 92.717.685
Deferred tax liability 25 151.470.158 89.323.835
Long-term payables 17 5.972.684 7.651.017
Government grants, non-current portion 29.113
Lease liabilities, non-current portion 27 99.406
Other liabilities, non-current portion 171.628 102.412
  310.396.631 239.766.921
Current liabilities
Borrowings, current portion 15 13.854.307 14.334.439
Bonds payable, current portion 16 4.562.983 4.138.458
Trade and other accounts payable, current portion 17 18.512.531 40.884.883
Contract liabilities 2.064.346 3.336.881
Government grant, current portion 18.325 30.430
Lease liabilities, current portion 27 111.895 462.359
Taxes payable other than income tax 18 2.403.728 2.028.506
Income tax payable 52.818
Other current liabilities 19 4.155.771 4.420.461
  45.683.886 69.689.235
Total liabilities 356.080.517 309.456.156
Total equity and liabilities 812.012.626
Book value per ordinary share (in Tenge) 14 2.823 1.920


For the year ended 31 December 2021

In thousands of Tenge Notes 2021 2020
Continuing operations
Revenue from contracts with customers 20 186.443.137 179.097.563
Cost of sales 21 (120.682.903) (101.920.927)
Gross profit 65.760.234 77.176.636
General and administrative expenses 22 (8.539.823) (7.817.094)
Selling expenses (381.235) (364.084)
Gain from recovery of loss from revaluation of property, plant and equipment 6 2.869.512
Loss from revaluation of property, plant and equipment 6 (10.813.536) (19.210)
Operating profit 48.895.152 68.976.248
Finance income 23 5.368.222 5.480.240
Finance costs 23 (11.670.429) (11.200.196)
Foreign exchange gain/(loss), net 24 451.045 (5.309.688)
Share of profit of an associate 7 260.739 358.447
Income from sale of an asset held for sale 27 2.182.037
Other income 1.739.332 876.774
Other expenses (563.892) (622.600)
Accrual of provision for expected credit losses 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 110.078 39.913
Profit before tax 46.772.284 58.599.138
Income tax expense 25 (7.607.838) (10.100.904)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 39.164.446 48.498.234
Discontinued operations
Profit after tax for the year from discontinued operations 26 13.471.466 4.967.037
Profit for the year 52.635.912 53.465.271
Other comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods, net of tax
Gain from revaluation of property, plant and equipment 325.744.754
Income tax effect 25 (65.148.951)
Net other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods, net of tax 260.595.803
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 313.231.715 53.465.271
Earnings per share
Basic and diluted profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (in Tenge)
14 202,45 205,64
Earnings per share from continuing operations
Basic and diluted profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (in Tenge)
14 150,63 186,53


For the year ended 31 December 2021

In thousands of Tenge Notes 2021 2020
Operating activities
Profit before tax from continuing operations 46.772.284 65.748.232
Profit before tax from discontinued operations 26 17.506.488
Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax to net cash flows
Depreciation and amortisation 36.867.809 34.076.993
Finance costs 23, 26 11.681.665 11.205.980
Finance income 23, 26 (7.562.497) (7.146.006)
Foreign exchange gain/(loss), net 24 (451.045) 5.309.688
Accrual of provision for expected credit losses 297.853 458.445
Accrual of allowance for obsolete inventories 1.074 57.028
Loss from disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 151.639 372.695
Gain from recovery of loss from revaluation of property, plant and equipment 6 (2.869.512)
Loss from revaluation of property, plant and equipment 6 10.813.536 19.120
Share of profit of an associate 7 (260.739) (358.447)
Income from government grants (30.430) (30.430)
Working capital adjustments
Change in inventories (197.629) (472.164)
Change in trade accounts receivable (12.850.642) (7.404.216)
Change in other current assets 2.037.418 (2.325.816)
Change in VAT recoverable and other prepaid taxes (2.753.788) 221.035
Change in trade and other accounts payable 5.894.563 16.526.787
Change in contract liabilities (1.245.578) 1.168.996
Change in other non-current liabilities 69.216 102.412
Change in taxes payable other than income tax 2.400.671 (1.237.193)
Change in other current liabilities (324.363) 142.312
Cash flows from operating activities 105.947.993 116.435.541
Interest paid (1.167.132) (2.093.727)
Coupon interest paid (11.538.332) (8.460.500)
Lease interest paid (45.050) (87.769)
Commissions paid on bank guarantees (990.818) (966.986)
Interest received 5.971.573 5.405.063
Income tax paid (14.309.266) (13.529.672)
Net cash flows received from operating activities 83.868.968 96.701.950
Investing activities
Withdraw of bank deposits 97.222.309 40.103.448
Replenishment of bank deposits (93.421.164) (48.792.359)
Change in restricted cash 4.238.713
Gain from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 203.673 196.498
Purchase of property, plant, equipment and advances paid for property, plant and equipment (40.214.058) (30.376.834)
Purchase of intangible assets (36.653) (51.273)
Acquisition of debt securities (National Bank notes, bills of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 11 (66.747.566) (117.199.634)
Redemption of debt securities (National Bank notes, bills of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan) 11 78.930.920 85.659.159
Repurchase of DSFK bonds by the issuer 11 54.453 67.980
Partial return of funds from Kazinvestbank and Eximbank Kazakhstan 331.697 358.558
Cash and cash equivalent of disposed company (RFC) 26 (38.847.799)
Repayment of loans to employees 564
Dividends from an associate 7 203.095
Net cash flows used in investing activities (62.321.093) (65.795.180)
Financing activities
Issue of bonds 28 25.235.121 9.032.407
Dividends paid 14 (41.529.578) (32.746.767)
Repayment of borrowings 28 (14.614.808) (6.574.597)
Principal repayment of lease liability 28 (436.606) (400.692)
Net cash flows used in financing activities (31.345.871) (30.689.649)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (9.797.996) 217.120
Effect of exchange rate changes оn cash and cash equivalents (115.531) 460.732
Effect of accrual of provision оn expected credit losses оn cash and cash equivalents (19.850) 10.071
Cash and cash equivalent, as at 1 January 21.867.205 21.179.282
Cash and cash equivalents, as at 31 December 13 11.933.828 21.867.205

Non-cash operations:

  1. During 2021 the Group capitalized the coupon interest on bonds in the cost of property, plant and equipment in the amount of 1.592.927 thousand tenge (Note 6).
  2. In January 2021 the Group sold land plots to related party – Samruk Kazyna Construction JSC for the amount of 2.182.037 thousand tenge. In accordance with the agreement on the transfer of property, Samruk-Kazyna Construction JSC undertakes to transfer residential, non-residential (commercial) premises and parking spaces to the Group’s ownership at market value in an amount equivalent to the value of the land plot. Accordingly, this amount was recognized as advances given for non-current assets (Note 27).


For the year ended 31 December 2021

In thousands of Tenge Share capital Treasury shares Asset revaluation reserve Retained earnings Total
As at 1 January 2020 126.799.554 (930) 310.369.243 44.670.157 481.838.024
Profit for the year 53.465.271 53.465.271
Total comprehensive income 53.465.271 53.465.271
Dividends (Note 14) (32.746.825) (32.746.825)
Transfer of asset revaluation reserve (Note 14) (532.661) 532.661
As at 31 December 2020 126.799.554 (930) 309.836.582 65.921.264 502.556.470
Profit for the year 52.635.912 52.635.912
Gain from revaluation of property, plant and equipment, net of income tax (Note 4) 260.595.803 260.595.803
Total comprehensive income 260.595.803 52.635.912 313.231.715
Dividends (Note 14) (41.529.578) (41.529.578)
Disposal of a subsidiary (Note 26) (37.121.790) (37.121.790)
Transfer of asset revaluation reserve (Note 14) (586.605) 586.605
As at 31 December 2021 126.799.554 (930) 569.845.780 40.492.413 737.136.817

Download the Consolidated financial statements with notes and Independent auditor's report